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"Building the Country, Securing the Future:
The Role of Filipino Geoscientists"

Day 1 - December 11, 2018 - Fiesta Pavilion, Manila Hotel

7:30 8:30 Registration
8:30 - National Anthem
- 8:40 Welcome Remarks – Renato U. Solidum, Jr.
Undersecretary for DRR-CC, DOST and
GeoCon 2018 Chairperson
8:40 - Introduction of Keynote Speaker – Mr. Alberto P. Morillo
President, Geological Society of the Philippines
- 9:15 Keynote Speech – The Honorable Juan Edgardo M. Angara, Jr.
Senator, Senate of the Philippines
Session 1 - Risks and Challenges from the Changing Environment - Moderators: Decibel Faustino-Eslava and Federico dela Peña
9:15 9:35 Landslides in Itogon, Benguet: The Triggers and Causes
M. Madrigal et al.
9:35 9:55 Typhoon Ompong-Induced Landslides and Debris Flows in the Mine Claims and Host Barangays Of Itogon-Suyoc Resources Inc. (ISRI) in Itogon and Mankayan, Benguet Province: Emergency Preparedness Initiatives
G. Rostata et al.
9:55 10:15 Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Investigation of Buried Pipes Along White Beach and Bulabog Beach, Boracay Island, Municipality of Malay, Aklan Province
R. Agot et al.
10:15 10:35 COFFEE BREAK
Session 2 – Establishing Indicators Towards Development of Mineral Resources - Moderators: Jillian Gabo-Ratio and Glenn Coderis
10:35 10:55 Diatremes Associated with Epithermal and Porphyry Systems in the Philippines
D. Kirwin
10:55 11:15 Trace and REE Geochemistry of Alkaline Rocks in the Didipio and Runruno Cu-Au-Mo Deposits, Luzon, Philippines
R. Claveria et al.
11:15 11:35 Geochemical Characterization of Nickeliferous Laterite: Issues on Density, Limonite-Saprolite Boundary, and Value-adding Metals Contents
R. Santos et al.
11:35 11:55 Apolaki Caldera: Morphology, Structure and Implications for the Formation and Potential Resources of the Philippine Rise
J.A. Barretto et al.
11:55 13:00 LUNCH
Session 3 – Insights on Past and Present Geologic Conditions from Rocks and Fossils - Moderators: Karlo Queaño and Zareth Quimba
13:00 13:20 Microfossils along Kinabuan Creek, Sta. Ines, Tanay, Rizal Province, Philippines: Evidence of Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary
M. Zepeda et al.
13:20 13:40 Records of Accretion and Sedimentary Processes in an Ancient Accretionary Complex in the Calamian Islands
K.J. Sarmiento et al.
13:40 14:00 Arrested Arc Development – The Volcanic Record of Incipient Subduction in Northern Zambales Ophiolite
A. Perez et al.
14:00 14:20 East Mindanao Volcanic Arc, Philippines: Lost, Buried or Eroded?
G. Yumul Jr. et al.
Session 4 – Understanding Landslide Mechanisms, Triggers, and Risk - Moderators: Noelynna Ramos and Roy Luis
15:20 15:40 Evaluating the Causative Factors Used in Analytic Hierarchy Process and GIS-based Landslide Susceptibility Analysis
J. Padrones et al.
15:40 16:00 Developing Rainfall Intensity-Duration Thresholds for Various Terranes in the Philippines
D. Faustino-Eslava et al.
16:00 16:20 Correlation of Rainfall and Soil Moisture to Monitor Deep-Seated Landslides in the Philippines
V.M. Gabriel et al.
16:20 16:40 Investigation and Mitigation of Mountain Road Slope Failures: The June 17, 2018 Rock Fall in Kennon Road K224+545
G.J. Atienza et al.
16:40 17:00 Balanan Lake – A Unique Earthquake-Triggered Landslide Dammed Lake: Implications for Natural Lake Formation in the Philippines
H. Ruelo Jr. et al.
Session 5 – General Interest - Moderator: Fernando Peñarroyo
17:00 17:20 Rock Solid
M. Vitug
17:20 18:00


18:00 20:00


Master of Ceremonies: Karlo L. Queaño


Click here for Day 2 Programme of Activities ...





Geocon 2018 Organizing Committee